Sunday, January 27, 7 PM: Queer Division, readings by Stacy SZYMASZEK, Trisha LOW, and Jason ZUZGA

QUEER DIVISION is a reading series of queer writers who queer writing to engage all things pretty, ugly, and in-between hosted by Andrew DURBIN

Stacy SZYMASZEK has been working in nonprofit arts administration since 1999, currently as the Director of The Poetry Project at St. Mark’s Church. She is the author of the books Emptied of All Ships and Hyperglossia (both with Litmus Press) as well as many chapbooks and limited edition publications, Pasolini Poems, Orizaba: A Voyage With Hart Crane, from Hart Island and austerity measures among them. She edited the journal GAM for 4 years which was free and distributed based on the principle of mutual aid/gift economy. She serves as a mentor in the program Queer Art Mentorship.

Trisha LOW is the author of Confessions [of a variety] and Target Is Bustling And Friendly with Tyler Antoine (both from Gauss PDF []). Her work has appeared, or is forthcoming from Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing, Artifice magazine, amongst others. She co-curates, with friends, the Segue Reading Series in New York City.

Jason ZUZGA works in Philadelphia on his PhD about documentary media. He is the Nonfiction/Other Editor of FENCE, a recipient of both a Merrill House and a Fine Arts Work Center fellowship, and his poetry and prose has appeared in numerous journals. He has chapbooks coming from Spork and Scharmel Iris Vanity Press.

Andrew DURBIN co-edits Wonder, a publisher of art book, pamphlets, glossies, and ephemera. He is the author of Reveler (Argos Books 2013). His writings have appeared or are forthcoming in the Boston Review, the Brooklyn RailConjunctionsMaggy, and elsewhere. He is an associate editor of Conjunctions and lives in New York City.  

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