The Bureau hosted 171 Events in 2014!

Did you know that in 2014 the Bureau hosted a total of 171 events? We estimate that approximately 3500 people attended these events, featuring some 575 appearances by artists, authors, and performers combined! This does not include the number of people who visited the Bureau during regular store hours in 2014, but it’s safe to say that several thousand people have engaged the Bureau by viewing our art exhibitions, perusing our selection of books and zines, and by talking with Bureau volunteers. Thank you all for visiting the Bureau and for engaging this relatively young queer cultural project! And a big thank you to all of you who have donated money, time, and other resources that have enabled us to do all that we have done since we initiated this project in 2012.

All of our events are either free or supported by suggested donations (which generally go to pay performing artists and writers), so we very much rely on your financial support. Everyone who works at the Bureau is an unpaid volunteer—yep, even Donnie and Greg. Every penny we make through sales and donations goes directly back into the project: paying back loans, paying rent, buying supplies, maintaining the space, and purchasing books, zines, and other merchandise. There are many ways to support the Bureau in order to enable us to continue to provide you with this unique queer cultural oasis.

  • Purchasing books, zines, art, and other materials from the Bureau. We are happy to special order books if we do not have them in stock. We are also happy to ship items to you.
  • Donating to the Bureau. Donations made through our fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas, are tax deductible. By setting up a recurring monthly payment of any amount, you provide us with a regular source of funding that we can rely on in order to plan future projects with confidence. We also welcome one-time donations and donations of LGBTQ books in good condition. If you plan on bringing a large amount of books, please contact us in advance.
  • Volunteering at the Bureau. The Bureau is staffed entirely by volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to help with events, during regular store hours, or with special projects, please speak to us or send an e-mail to We now hold monthly volunteer meetings in an effort to build a dedicated team of committed volunteers. Join us!

Thank you for your support, in whatever form it takes! The Bureau is nothing without you!