Article on the Dirty Looks Event at the Bureau on 2/26/14

Joey Heinen wrote a very thorough article for the blog Curating Moving Images on the Dirty Looks event that the Bureau hosted on February 26th. Bradford Nordeen of Dirty Looks and Hedi El Kholti, editor of the journal Animal Shelter, published by Semiotext(e), introduced Les intrigues de Sylvia Couski (The Adventures of Sylvia Couski), a 1974 film by Adolfo Arrieta.

“There was a feeling at the event of the rarity of the lived experience in the contemporary queer community, particularly in places like New York or Paris where noteworthy communities emerged in the 60s and 70s though many of its prominent figures fell victim to drug abuse, homelessness, or died of rampant illnesses such as AIDS. ”

Click on the link below to read the article:

Dirty Looks – Creative Partnerships for Community-Based Audiences

 The image features the “star” of Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski  Marie-France (left) with the Gazolines.


by Joey Heinen