5 PM: Artemis Smith (Annselm Morpurgo), author, activist, futurist, artist, poet, and playwright, will read from her pre-Stonewall lesbian pulp fiction classic novels, archival reprints, and newer fiction at BGDQD bookstore 2/24/13 at 5pm. This will be Artemis Smith’s first public reading since 1973.
Artemis Smith is best remembered for her historic lesbian pulp fiction novels but started publishing gay fiction in ONE Magazine in the early 1950s. A pioneering activist, she was elected vice president at the first meeting of Mattachine Society of New York and introduced the slogan “Come out of the Closet” at the 1968 ECHO meeting.
7 PM: Queer Division: Readings by Max Steele, Sophia Le Fraga, and Julian Talamantez Brolaski