Edafe Okporo marks his publishing debut with the release of Bed 26 (published by XlibrisUS), a memoir charting the experiences of refugees in America and the life of a gay man amidst discrimination.
Based on a true life story, Bed 26 narrates the experiences of Nigerian and West African gay, bisexual men and the reason they are forced to flee from their home country. The book also talks about the experiences of immigrants in an immigration detention, and the gap between the perceived American dream and its reality of racism, discrimination and phobia for people of color in America.
Through the book, Okporo stresses why people should not be categorized based on accepted norms “that are created to suit people who created them.” His story encourages looking beyond labels such as “refugees” and “citizens” and looking inward into human character and behavior. “The stigma in today’s society is overbearing and this book helps us to accept people the way they are and love them just the same,” he adds.
“I want my readers to be more compassionate and caring for people around them, their loved ones and people who are close to them. You should not judge people without knowing how far they have come,” Okporo reminds. “This book is also about forgiveness for people who have wronged you in the past, and resilience for young and old people to challenge the norm.”
Copies of Bed 26 are available for purchase at the Bureau. To reserve a copy please write to us at contact@bgsqd.com. Please support the Bureau by buying books from us. Thank you!
Edafe Okporo is the Executive Director of RDJ Refugee Shelter, a Nigerian LGBTQ refugee, and advocate for human rights of LGBTQ, immigrants, and minorities. He is the author of BED 26: A Memoir of an African Man’s Asylum in United States. Host of the Pont Podcast promoting LGBTQ and Refugee access, awareness and education. Twitter @edafeokporo.