Directed by Salvino Raco, Global Gay is a performance piece and reading based on Frédéric Martel‘s book, Global Gay: How Gay Culture Is Changing the World, now available in English translation, which describes how lgbtq culture has changed societies everywhere, especially in the post-Stonewall Era. Martel’s book also examines the challenges to lgbtq folk in cultures that are hostile to alternative forms of sexual and gender expression. Directed by Salvino Raco, the full production will be presented at LaMaMa ETC in June 2019 as part of the Stonewall50 commemorations.
Salvino Raco, Italian director based in Paris, has conceived and mounted many productions in the “theater of engagement” sphere. His works focus on human rights issues and protest against oppressive political and cultural structures, in the Brechtian tradition. An abridged version of “Global Gay” was presented to much acclaim at the Milan Triennale in 2016.
Craig Anthony Bannister, associate producer, is artistic/program director for Spectrum Arts Production. As part of his work with Salvino Raco, he is initiating a series of intergenerational workshops designed to interpret the “Global Gay” to a wide audience, ranging from Stonewall veterans of 1969 to today’s young people struggling with lgbtq and gender-fluid issues.
Edward Moran, producer/translator/narrator, has assisted Salvino Raco in translating his scripts and production notes from French to English, and has also assisted him in introducing Raco’s work to American theaters. A resident of New York City since June 1969, he was a witness to the Stonewall rebellion and its aftermath.