In celebration of NYC Pride, Papercut Press presents an evening of readings, performances, and visual art by some of our favorite queer artists and authors. The event will be moderated by Papercut author m. craig.
Rami Shamir is the author of
TRAIN TO POKIPSE and the co-founding editor of Underground Editions. A former Zuccotti Park Occupier with Occupy Wall Street, Shamir’s writings have appeared in
Evergreen Review, and
The Brooklyn Rail. TRAIN TO POKIPSE was the last editorial project for legendary publisher Barney Rosset, who said “TRAIN TO POKIPSE is a Catcher in the Rye for the new century, and Rami Shamir is an authentic literary voice for a new lost generation.” Shamir has just concluded a thirty-city, indie-books distro tour with fellow indie author m. craig. He is a recipient of the 2013 Acker Award for fiction.

JASON NAPOLI BROOKS‘ fiction and essays have appeared in various publications, including Ninth Letter, H.O.W., El Pais, and Asymptote. An excerpt of his novel Shelter was the recipient of the The Chapbook Award for Best Fiction of 2007. He is also the author of the internationally-distributed serial Cock of the Walk. In September 2013 Brooks’ play Women at the End of the World, starring Parker Posey and John Cameron Mitchell, will debut in Provincetown.

Buzz Slutzky is a Brooklyn-based interdisciplinary artist, writer, and curator. Buzz primarily integrates drawing, poetry, and video art with themes of identity, social interaction, voyeurism, and gender performance. A former Curator of the Pop-Up Museum of Queer History, Buzz currently work as Program Assistant at Laurie M. Tisch Gallery at the JCC Manhattan and will be studying at Parsons in the MFA Fine Arts program. A graduate of Sarah Lawrence College, Buzz’s work has been shown at La Mama’s SQUIRTS: New Voices in Queer Performance, The MIX NYC Queer Experimental Film Festival, Dixon Place, and Ed. Varie Gallery. Their projects have been written about by, The Huffington Post, TimeOut NY, and NEXT Magazine. Buzz’s collaboration with LJ Roberts The Queer Houses of Brooklyn is the permanent collection of the Renwick Gallery at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

Sami Nichols is a Virginia-raised, guitar strumming vagabond who takes inspiration from blues and hip hop to tell stories in song.
Visual art by:
Gizelle Peters