Queer theory meets the queer body in these workshops. This smattering of queer artists bridges queer writing practices with queer bodybased practices. Drawing upon the varied performative interests and inspirations of the teaching artists, the workshops touch upon text, sound, witchcraft, impulse, free association, and movement.
These workshops are for folks with none to a lot of performance experience. Come see what inspirations and mini-spectacles are always-already burgeoning in your queer bodies.
Workshops are $10 each, all money goes to support the teacher and the space. Drop-in or take all of them. Space is very limited, so pre-registration strongly encouraged. Please send an email with your name and a quick tidbit about yourself to whatisqueerperformance@gmail.com. Curated by Li Cata.
“on the floor” is an improvisation. together we will define the space we make. i will present items in a room: bodies, objects, books, images, clothes, and sound. we will shape and arrange them and arrange ourselves among them. this is an improvisation, this is what happens when we think together; playfulness is at hand, imagination is at hand . spatio-temporal movement is at hand and on the floor.