
LI CHENG’S JOSÉ (2018) (in person only)

Join us for a screening of Li Cheng’s José (2018) on Thursday, February 29, at 6:30 PM. José centers the experiences of a young gay Guatemalan man who lives with…

It Was Her New York: True Stories and Snapshots (in person & live-streaming)

Bureau of General Services–Queer Division 208 West 13th Street, Room 210, New York, NY, United States

CELEBRATING THE RELEASE OF IT WAS HER NEW YORK (ROOTSTOCK PUBLISHING): true stories and accidental snapshots about undying love, old lesbians, all our fellow New Yorkers, and home.…

Book launch: WATCHNIGHT by Cyrée Jarelle Johnson (in person & live-streaming)

Bureau of General Services–Queer Division 208 West 13th Street, Room 210, New York, NY, United States

Join us for a reading/conversation with Cyrée Jarelle Johnson, Joselia Hughes, Zefyr Lisowski, and Danilo Machado to celebrate the release of WATCHNIGHT (Nightboat Books). In exhilarating lyric poems…