Join the Bureau of General Services—Queer Division to celebrate our 5th birthday!
Friday, November 17, 6 to 9:30 PM
The LGBT Community Center
208 West 13th Street, Room 301
New York, NY 10011
Tickets $25
Click here to purchase tickets!
Flyer design: Paul Moreno
Raffle prizes! Food! Drink! Dancing! Performances! Fun!
MOMENTUM! 5 Years and Counting! will begin at 6 PM with an hour-long reception followed by a variety show MC’d by actor, entertainer, and former Miss LEZ Drae Campbell,
and featuring author/blogger Jeremiah Moss (Vanishing New York: How A Great City Lost Its Soul);

poet, writer, and performer Pamela Sneed;

comedian, activist, and instructor Elsa Waithe;
drag performer Lady Quesa’Dilla;

and burlesque performer and porn star Chris Harder.

DJ Viva Ruiz will bring guests to the dance floor for the final hour and a half!
Join the celebration of the Bureau’s fifth birthday! Get your tickets now!
Why donate to the Bureau?
The Bureau is a vital, unique queer space in New York City. Visitors find themselves surrounded by LGBTQ books and publications by and about our community, whether they are new or treasured classics, well-known or obscure and difficult to find. From Audre Lorde and James Baldwin to Michelle Tea and Brontez Purnell, from the latest books on transgender youth and intersex activism to contemporary gay manga and fantastical polygender coloring books, visitors encounter an array of LGBTQ books and publications that they will not find anywhere else. With new work that we receive directly from zine makers and small independent presses, visitors always discover new friends.
The Bureau hosts over 200 events every year, many of which would not otherwise find a venue. These are both community-driven events such as book-discussion groups, activist strategizing meetings, and writing workshops, as well as book launches by both well-known and emerging authors and poets. Additionally, the Bureau hosts at least 5 exhibitions yearly: both solo and group exhibitions of art works as well as activist materials. The Bureau has collaborated with organizations such as Visual AIDS and Fire Island Artist Residency, as well as with veterans of The Lesbian Avengers activist group and activists fighting police violence against people of color to bring you provocative and inspiring exhibitions year round.
At 5 years and counting, we want to improve and enhance the experience of visiting the Bureau and attending our events and exhibitions. The Bureau needs new, sturdier bookshelves, new audio-visual equipment, cushioned seating, and office equipment that will facilitate our work for the community. The members of our community who share their work in our space and our guests deserve a high-functioning and comfortable venue.
Please donate to the Bureau to help us improve your experience of our space, our events, and our exhibitions so that we can serve you as we’ve always envisioned. As always, thank you for your support!
Click here
to set-up a recurring monthly donation or to make a 0ne-time donation.
One of the best ways to support the Bureau is by setting up a recurring monthly donation of any amount. This enables us to have a stable and reliable source of funds to cover operating costs, keep our inventory fresh, and address the needs of the project as they arise. Thank you!